Inspiration / Thoughts

Fondness for my WordPress Community

“Heroes didn’t leap tall buildings or stop bullets with an outstretched hand; they didn’t wear boots and capes. They bled, and they bruised, and their superpowers were as simple as listening, or loving. Heroes were ordinary people who knew that even if their own lives were impossibly knotted, they could untangle someone else’s. And maybe that one act could lead someone to rescue you right back.” -Jodi Picoult

When I started writing on here, I was struggling. Collective worksI still am sometimes, but now I feel much stronger. I feel supported, challenged, and appreciated by the community I have found and built on here so far. I’ve met so many kindred spirits and so many with souls like mine. You all lift me up and help me out. Sometimes you talk me down. Sometimes you bring me back to earth and sometimes you help me get carried away. I want to thank you for your patience, kindness, and for keeping me on my toes. Thanks for journeying with me, beside me.

Thank you. Thank you for every single one of you. I hope you know that each of you inspire and awaken me. And I know that sometimes we don’t get along, but if we didn’t rub against each other how would we get refined? You make me better. I wish each of you all the best. And if any of are looking for new stuff, try clicking some links and getting excited, angry, depressed, and/or amazed.

10 thoughts on “Fondness for my WordPress Community

  1. Your posts are always engaging, inspired, heartfelt, and pointedly honest. For that I am grateful, and appreciative. I am certain all those who you have listed have grown in their own understanding and on their personal journeys thanks to your posts. Thank you for all you do!


  2. Thank you for the mention. One of the nicest and most unexpected things I have found since I started blogging has been the sense of community and inspiration I get from other bloggers.


  3. The honest pursuit of the most important questions is one of the most sanctifying actions, that is why I like your blog. Lewis’s mountain in “The Great Divorce” is an encouragement to me that the process of question and discovery never ends. What is hardest for me is that I really should want to know a ‘who’ and not a ‘what’ or ‘how.’ Maybe the combination of investigating the ideas in the midst of the community gives us the pursuit of the person and the abstract. I don’t know you, but thanks for being honest, it makes the KOG clearer and helps me to feel God in the kindred spirit of your writing.


  4. Pingback: New Year & New Book | The Atheist Slut

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